Recording voice for baby?

What does everyone think of this idea?

Of course "talking" with your baby while it's in utero is important :) I cannot find the source, but I read somewhere once that reading stories to the baby while it is in the womb, and then reading them again once it is born helps not only to a) build a bond, and b) familiarize the baby with your voice, but also to create a soothing strategy for when they are born. I've heard that babies who hear the same stories over and over will then self-soothe easier not only because they hear the mother's voice, but because they are hearing "a story"/ or sounds that they recognize.

While I love reading some books to my baby (I'm pregnant, 16WKs along), is there any way this would be better reinforced if I recorded myself reading and then re-played the recording over and over? My voice has only so much strength to enthusiastically repeatedly read the same story. I am assuming repetition in this case would work wonders!