Irritated, Disappointed & Confused

So I’m 39 weeks and i think my water broke but when I told my husband he gaslit me into thinking it wasn’t. It was like two uncontrollable spurts of clear liquid and some small particle sized spots of mucus. Right now I’m upset and over it and honestly disturbed by his response to me. He didn’t comfort me at all granted it was 3am, but I’ve never felt so alone. He dismissed it, woke up late for work… and though as I made his lunch I still felt like I was uncontrollably leaking a little, he decided to argue with me telling me in his opinion I didn’t need to go to L&D. Anyways… I’ve waited so long for this moment and worked so hard for it since this is my first I’m not sure what that even looks like and I have no mom or anything to guide me.

My younger niece just had her first baby yesterday on my Dads birthday too when I really wanted my daughter to arrive and she’s only like 17 or something?! I’m 25 years old and got pregnant months before… anyways. I feel inadequate and unsupported. I don’t know what to do or if my water broke or not… and now I’m too heartbroken by my husband leaving and “needing the hours” while neglecting to monitor or even acknowledge my symptoms. My cervix does ache but again… that could all be in my head right?

Idk. Going to go cry now.

EDIT: 11/03 2:52am Thanks to everyone who helped me reach out for help and receive proper care as well as help me sort out the root of the issue. I ended up being in false labor that was so convincing even my nurses had to test me three or four times. I also want to take a moment to admit the lack of support lead to some really irrational upsets most likely heightened by my hormones and panic and it led to comparing my support systems and desires to others and that was not a pretty look on me and for that I apologize. I was able to get much needed rest after being discharged and my husband and I ended up having a long talk where he admittedly expressed how sorry he was for misjudging the situation and for coming across dismissive of my concerns.

Moral of the story, always follow your instincts regardless of the result. Our babies lives depend on it!