picky 10.5 month old

does anyone have experience with a baby who doesnt like the typical “easy” first foods you would give to a baby? we have tried egg and banana multiple times and my baby hates them both, unless the banana is a part of something else. there were a few foods he liked at the beginning like avocado, carrots, and peas that he turns his nose up at now, again, unless theyre in other things. he loves anything with carbs (except for pasta which he wont even try)😭 im glad he will eat anything at all, but im wondering if anyone has any ideas of what to give him? he’s also been teething like 80% of his life and has 8 full teeth so far 🥲 hes pretty good at taking bites and chewing but i feel like his teething is impeding on his want to eat as he is in quite a bit of pain. im just lost on how to get new things that are age appropriate into him! thanks in advance! :)