BGC 1 girls ranked

Season 1 is very solid season, my biggest issue with this season (and the older seasons in particular) are the fact that the girls I wanted to see improve and change were sent home or left.

Leslie: best bad girl to enter the house, she the most normal and down to earth girl in the show. I liked how at the reunion she stood up for Zara slitting her wrists and saying how it wasn’t for attention. She has true genuine heart and I loved her friendship with Ty. She a sweetheart and an angel and I liked how she truly on there to change. I also believe Leslie dealt with a lot of racism on the show, her being dragged out the club while trying to protect Jodie. Zara calling her “a ghetto black girl” behind cameras and also Zara saying how black people are ghetto and she doesn’t want to go to a black club because they’re “ghetto”.

Tyla (Ty): I LOVED Ty, she’s a true bad GURL to the core and stood up for her beliefs. She gave Amiee what she asked for 110%, Amiee was bully and wannabe punk. I liked how she was genuinely to improve and change herself from being in trouble with the law so often. She dealt with conflict good I truly enjoyed her.

Ripsi: Ripsi made the 3 episodes she was on. She definitely had alcoholism for example her drinking in the morning to “pass a hangover” and excessively drinking at home and clubs. She did call out Kerry’s BS at the reunion and in the show, I liked how she called our Zara’a racism on the reunion. I truly wish she was there longer she definitely benefited in the house to improve as a person. I like how she was open about coming from a privileged background with wealth and wanted to use the show to change her outlook on life.

Joanna: I liked Joanna, I could tell she definitely had a bitchy streak in her especially over the bedrooms and saying “shut up” under her breathe if someone spoke to her. I liked her an Andrea’s friendship. She wasn’t there to pick sides and wanted to do what she wants. However I don’t think she had an endgoal in mind like most of the other girls. But she is cool

Jodie: at first Jodie pissed me off, but around episode 5-6 I really started to appreciate her. She wanted a break from cooperate life and to just party. I do think the girls were judging her for modelling in calendars in a bikini. They (especially Kerry) spoke mad shit about Jodie behind her back. And the argument between Kerry and Jodie happened over a small misunderstanding.

Andrea: I liked her and Joanna’s friendship. They were sweet together. However I lost respect for her after the Zara situation. Zara definitely had mental on that show and when she had a breakdown in the car over the phone Andrea’s was picking on her and laughing in her face along with everyone else. I also didn’t like how she said Zara cutting herself was for “attention”

Zara: Zara and tomik pissed me off, he really used her. She definitely had mental health issues on that show you can tell. I didn’t like How she treated her boyfriend back home. Also Zara was a racist and nobody seems to mention that? She needed help I believe and I think her cutting her wrists was a cry for help no for attention.

Deann: I have no hard feelings toward her I just don’t thinkk she is memorable. She was there for a good time but other than that she isn’t memorable to me. Also I’ve never understood the hate toward mothers on the show it wasn’t right for certain girls to chat shit about her being a mother.

Amiee: biggest tryhard on the show, she is a bully and mean spirited but she did give us entertainment when it lacked some. She also (said by Ty) made a racial comment.

Kerry: Kerry did run that house but why was she on the show? Her storyline was dull plus she is a HUGE bitch. She would chat so much shit behind the girls back and also hang out with guys like tomik and his friends after knowing what he did to Zara.