Please help me. I'm not enjoying this game... 😔
Okay I'm normally a Bard D&D player so I first start a Bard (Valour) playthrough. I stall at the end of Act 1, feeling a bit bored, I'm too much a jack of all trades and master of none.
I play online with friends on a separate playthrough (again playing Bard) but I'm not really enjoying that as I'm missing the plot as they carry on playing on weeks that I can't make it.
Also the problem is I'm a completionist normally and this game has too many choices. I don't like switching companions in the party and like to stick with some old faithfuls. So I need help!
I want to start a brand new playthrough. I really enjoy combat, story and the puzzles. Suggest me a character build to try that'll interest me (I like a little bit of everything, but something that is good fun) and which companions I should keep in my party for the most enjoyment along the way.
I want to finally finish the game and enjoy the story, unfortunately I'm not at the moment. 😔