Transferred funds to another banks saving account, money still in both accounts?
Yesterday I opened a high yield savings account at a bank separate from my standard checking and (low yield) savings account. I first transferred all my savings into my checking account, closed the savings account, then transferred the original savings amount from my checking to my new high yield account at the other bank. This morning I go to check if the account successfully closed overnight and I see that my checking account still has all of my savings funds with no pending transaction to my new high yield account. So I go the check on my high yield account and it has the appropriate amount of funds that I transferred to it yesterday.
So I guess my question is, since there’s so trace of me transferring the money from my checking to my new savings account, no pending or completed transactions in my checking account for this, is it possible the bank messed up and I just doubled my money? That obviously seems too good to be true but I have this money available in both accounts currently. The only thing possible is that after another business day the transfer from (at that point) 2 days ago shows up in my transaction history and I don’t think I’ve ever seen transactions show up late like that?