Barbie dolls from the 90s with purple / different colored eyes?

Hi everyone, what are some dolls from the 90s (Superstar era) that have purple eyes or unusually colored eyes in general (excluding brown eyes)? 👀

I love my blue-eyed girlies, but I absolutely adore when they used different colors for painting Barbie’s eyes, I think it made her so unique looking and interesting. I would love to collect more of these dolls, so let me know! 💜

P.S. The one on the photo is Pretty in Purple Barbie from 1992. 🦄

Hi everyone, what are some dolls from the 90s (Superstar era) that have purple eyes or unusually colored eyes in general (excluding brown eyes)? 👀

I love my blue-eyed girlies, but I absolutely adore when they used different colors for painting Barbie’s eyes, I think it made her so unique looking and interesting. I would love to collect more of these dolls, so let me know! 💜

P.S. The one on the photo is Pretty in Purple Barbie from 1992. 🦄