I comunicated with bashar in my lucid dreaming

This was in my dream journal an experience that I had a month ago

I somehow had a feeling it was my higherself but I called it bashar then i heard "how are you good day" and the connection felt unstable and felt a positive excitement and amplified it and he said "Your phyce are disagreeing with eachother like people in real life disagreeing with eacher in conflict, "you are confused because two hemispheres of your mind are in conflict" then he said " I would not necessarily call the physical any more natural then the non physical"

He said alot more things that I couldn't understand perhaps because my English is not that great.

I was shocked this is the first time I heard it long clear confusion in my lucid sleep experience, first time really felt non physical realities might truley be real.

Then I woke up in shock. It felt real because I couldn't expect what he was going to say.