BFDI Theory: Pencil is a Sociopath.
This is a long read so, listen in.
Typical warning is that this is not to offend anyone with this condition, I know it is a terrible thing to live with, and instead I'm just leaving my thoughts here. I am not a licensed therapist, or psychiatrist, just someone who likes to study mental conditions. Please do not self-diagnose yourself if you fall under any of these categories, it's a large puzzle to piece together and you cannot do it alone. If you are in a mental health crisis, contact is available at 988 (USA/Canada), 111 (UK) and others can be found at the Mental Health Helplines: International Directory.
One last note is that I will be going from episode to episode in no direct order, so please bear with me.
Pencil in TPOT has been an intriguing character to say the least, and as I've watched through her episodes in TPOT and BFB, something has become apparent to me, Pencil shows major characteristics of sociopathy.
Antisocial Personality Disorder or Sociopathy is a mental condition where the person with it fails to understand or emphasize with the feelings of others. Many symptoms are present with this disorder, such as manipulative behaviors, deceptive behaviors and actions, violations to the rights of others, lack of remorse and so on (I will go through them all, do not stress it!). Sociopathy is a disorder that can have an increase through genetic heritage, however one of the main risk factors is trauma. Pencil, I believe falls under that category. Not only was she locked up in the Tiny Loser Chamber in literal hellish darkness, but she was trapped in the EXIT for 6 straight years. I also can come to this conclusion because of her 'crash-out' in TPOT 15. (Which isn't much of a crash-out, it's more of a mirroring of her trauma, which I will get into later.) She states that Golf Ball has "No idea what it's like to be stuck in a classroom for 6 years", which is a major part to this, however I am going to pay attention more to the next line, where she states how she "Tried to be a good leader" and how she "[t]ried to get [them] out of there". She also can't seem to understand why the people she sees now dislike her, which adds on to my thought that she cannot understand the true impact of her actions, which is the first sign of sociopathic tendencies. According to Dr. Coulter of the Cleveland Clinic, "Some with sociopathy may not realize that what they’re doing is wrong while others may simply not care", and of course you could make the argument that Pencil is well aware of what she's doing, I tend to think not. Going back to TPOT 13, Pencil shows major disregard for Team2, locking the door, screwing them over. She shows little regard for her actions, which is another major sign of sociopathy, as some sociopaths are unable to show empathy or remorse. To add insult to injury, right after that scene, Pencil is shown kicking the rest of Team2 down the stairwell, before unempathetically nabbing Book to make a cross-team alliance. I could say that she's doing this for her own personal gain and will screw them over, but I don't have enough proof, and I cannot draw conclusions with little evidence. Later on in TPOT 13, she bluntly insults Yellow Face to... his face, which is one of many instances that shows she has a general disconnect with caring about the emotions or feelings of others. Quickly going back to BFB 1, we can see that this is clearly true as she was having lightning be her attacking scapegoat to fuel her adrenaline, which shows her callousness and her disregard for others. Back to TPOT, I can draw a conclusion that she was using the EXITors as scapegoats to her escape, as she shows little to zero care for them at all after she gets out, which loops me back to TPOT 13, where she states that Dora speaks nonsense. Skipping forward a bit to TPOT 14, she goes on and on again about the cross-team alliance 'strategy' which as I stated before either is for her own personal benefit, or a way for her to regain her old friends, as she lacks the social skills to do it herself. Nothing else really happens in this episode, but TPOT 15 is where it's at. When they travel back to get scissors, she's very clearly being arrogant, telling Scissors that they are standing in her way, and that they should move out of the way, either ignoring the fact they will die or is too ignorant to care. Pencil in the same scene, also doesn't care about changing the past, as she's too caught up in being the bigger person and winning. Pencil in this episode is very impulsive, as on a whim, when her anger is triggered (just as a sociopath's is, whether it be disrespect, betrayal or a simple loss of control), she hops into a fight immediately, guided by her guise to always be on top. I forgot to mention, but Pencil also has participated in lots of risk-taking behaviors this episode, whether it be her destroying the past, or attacking others. Later on, Pencil tries to twist the situation by doing whatever she wants as 'someone will save [her]', and when others get mad at her, and disrespect her wishes, she goes straight into Pillow, attacking her. And finally, once everything is solved, she pushes the blame onto Winner, as she feels a lack of remorse, and empathy, as well as the fact that she just can't allow herself to look bad. Pencil doesn't care. She falls under 10 out of 11 main categories of the signs of sociopathy, as well as many other symptoms. Pencil is a broken soul whose traumas molded a destructive, manipulative, and narcissistic identity. Pencil wasn't always like this, she guarded herself to protect herself, and now it has destroyed her as a person, and a character. Don't see Pencil as a villain, see her as a broken neutral.
So uhm.. thanks for reading :D
This took an hour, and I really hope you guys can give me more feedback and examples, as I lost track in BFDIA, and she wasn't as manipulative in that season.