I've noticed some people where concerned about my last post so↓
This is zombie and he is a rescue,the first 4 photos are of him now and the other 4 are from when I first took him in. Zombie is about 6 years old, when I first took him in he had many problems he was on 2 different eye drops, food supplements, bath soak, and he needed to be de wormed since he had parasites. He is my first beardie and yes when I first got him I was still doing research the reason I took him so soon was because his original condition and tank was heartbreaking and very concerning and probably wouldn't have made it much longer. I'm so proud of the progress we have made. Yes he is still healing and getting healthy and yes I'm still learning and doing my very best to give him a happy life, I appreciate the concerns but I promise he's doing so much better then he was a couple months ago ❤️