Thinking of getting my first bearded dragon and would love some advice!
Hey y'all! So, I've been thinking of getting a bearded dragon for a few months now. I've always thought they would make awesome pets, and they are super adorable! I've done a decent bit of research and it's helped, but I figured I would ask some questions here since you all have setups and know much more than me!
I know they need UVB and UVA, but is there a specific brand I should go for that works the best? Same with the substrate/flooring. I've read that newpapers and tile is good as well as some others, but does someone have one they use that they prefer? One final question, and this may sound silly considering you can find this information in a lot of places, but how often should you feed them at the younger stage? I know they mostly have an insect based diet when younger, but how many should I be feeding the beardy a day? I've seen a lot of different answers, so I think asking here could help.
Thanks in advance for anyone who responds to these questions!