The hedonistic Techno Temple
"Their Souls laid bare by the all seeing all knowing guards the dark masses stream into this Temple of eternal hedonistic pleasure..."
CAN WE PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT BH LIKE THIS HOLY SHIT. This lingo is driving me NUTS, and I never see it outside of online Spaces. Do people actually feel this strongly about BH?
omg you can have sex inside the club 😳 and people are doing drugs 💊😵 and its open till monday 😴
Yes Berghain is a great place but this fetishization of the space is so annoying. There are many places which offer not necessarily the same, but atleast a similarly good experience (even outside of Berlin or Germany) and they dont get Attention because they are drowned out by the 100th article talking about how Tuff the BH door is.
Anyway just wanted to rant. SCREW YOU to any Journalist reading this for starting this. To the Rest: Love yall and stay safe out there