What does everyone think of the argument of "dumb" or weak casts?

There have been mini debates every once in awhile about how certain winners had it easy in the category of playing against "dumb" casts. Derrick and Chelsie have been examples.

Let's be honest, there have been a lot of clunkers that have played in many seasons, who have been way too easy to manipulate, didn't understand the game, didn't take the time to think about the nuances and manipulation being done by others, etc.

How many seasons were there where it was more easy to navigate for a winner or top player once the season began, because of this?

Keep in mind, this does not to take away from a great player's overall game, but do you guys think this can be considered a legitimate argument as a factor in a winner's game, or even someone else making it far in the game because of that?