Unintentional grandma

Hello, I’m looking for some parents especially of toddlers for some desperate help I’m struggling with. Story: My mom and dad a couple hours far away, her thing has always been baking/cooking. I stay at home with my toddler. My husband works crazy hours 7 days a week to make this possible. I am home alone with baby and dog. We sold our second car and I give my husband my debt card and we cut up our credit cards already. If I want sugar to binge on I have to have some extra cash around (not to often does this happen, all valuables locked up or not around) I would have to walk out in public with my son to go binge or get a picture of the card numbers ( not very often this happens and it’s embarrassing for me) I don’t even keep sugar or binge foods in the house, my husband will keep his road snacks/ sugar locked in the car. My question is, around the holidays it’s hard to not accept there are sweets given to us ( I struggle to throw them away or give them away) but how can I tell my mom atleast not to bring sugar when they visit or she’s even mailed us packages with sugar contents ( my dads ill now and so is my brother and my other siblings aren’t around for her so I feel this is her positive outlet, sharing food) she thinks I’m some hippy silly type for not having much sugar and mentions it which makes me feel bad, truth is I’m uncontrollable around it for decades and have to keep it far far away from me to hold myself accountable and also have to watch my blood sugars. Any advice on how to handle this, they obviously know I had disordered eating but think it’s fine now because I have health issues to watch. Not always true I struggle especially around my women my phase monthly (pmdd) she thinks I’m depriving my son or something the fun of life (sweets) I know she’s grieving probably and doesn’t mean to be this way but I can’t control myself when I know it’s around and I’m alone. Any help would be appreciated 😓 I want to be better and stronger but it feels like unintentional temptations?