Anyone know how to get rid of visceral fat?

Looking for advice besides the obvious diet and exercise as I've been exercising on avg 3 times per week for the last 8 years and eat a pretty good diet with lots of fruits and veggies. Exercising consists of mostly weight training and some cardio, although been doing more cardio the last couple months.

I used to consume a lot of diary products in the form of whole milk and cheese but have cut back significantly the last couple years. I also did a dirty bulk earlier this year which just resulted in me getting a belly.

I've cut back on calories and went from 153 to 142 but now I'm just very toned/muscular yet have a belly and tbh it looks a bit silly. For reference I'm about 5'7.

Anyone successfully delt with visceral fat in a way other than exercising and eating more veggies?

Edit: I'm 33M