I tried so hard to like this game

I was at the hundred eyed daoist master boss fight and deleted my save file intentionally. I’ve been playing this game on and off since it came out back in August. And out of every single boss I fought, the only one I kinda enjoyed fighting was Yellow loong. Every boss fight just feels like it’s a chore.

Originally, I bought this game thinking it was “Monke Dark Souls” it wasn’t. It just feels like God of War/Devil May Cry on Ultra hardcore nightmare mode. I find that a lot of bosses have too much health compared to a player’s level when reaching that specific area. It’s great that we can change our builds freely whenever we want, But I find that bosses just aren’t scaled very well. I wanna know if anyone else feels the same.

After going on YouTube and watching a video of Chapter 5 and 6 bosses I realized that it wasn’t gonna get any better and it’s just the same loop of bosses I find frustrating. So I came to a conclusion that I’m playing video games to have fun and if I’m not enjoying myself then I should just stop. So I intentionally deleted my save file and everything relating to BMW to make sure I give myself a break from this game. Maybe in the future I’ll come back, who knows.

This post isn’t supposed to be hate or anything. If you love bmw then that’s awesome! I just wanted to see what different opinions you guys might have on this topic.

TL;DR I got shitted on by Chapter 4’s final boss and deleted the game.