I'm Shout Casting your games from the test..
Hey y'all, I'm newer to the community and right off the bat before I get into what I'm here for. I want to say that I know this seems like self promo and if the Mods here want to deem it that way, I understand.
But I'm really here to engage the community in way that I think no one has done yet, in a way that the community will enjoy, and in a way that could potentially be something good for the competitive scene moving forward.
Over this past weekend I was able to get into some great games and spectate some players that I consider are playing the game at the highest level (for now) . I'm not 100% familiar with all the items or terminology yet but I'm making an effort to learn as much as I can so that every session should be an improvement. I've decided to take the great games from the test and turn it into a Shout Casted series for everyone on Youtube. I would really love to continue the series for the community throughout the entire downtime BUT I'm not sure if I have enough matches to cover that much time.
That's where you all come in! If anyone has a great match and wants to share it with me, I'd be willing to Shout Cast over it, either Live on Twitch or do some Editing and post it on Youtube.
My First Episode is of someone you might know. Vykaan WENT IN and completely dominated this Lobby with his Savvy Saboteur play. Enjoy Ep 1. https://youtu.be/9OaqKY66kJE