The adventures of miss Petitfour audiobook

Hello, I’m not sure if this is the best place to post this, so if I’m in the wrong place I’m very sorry. My little sister’s favorite book is called the adventures of miss petitfour, and I wanted to gift her the audiobook as a present for her birthday. She has problems falling asleep so I thought it would help her. However, I can’t find the audio book anywhere outside of the uk. I tried a vpn with audible but it didn’t work. I also tried a website called listening books but you need a uk library card to use it. I’m open to paid websites but a pirated one would be preferred. If anyone here knows a website (preferably a free one) where I could find it, or have it downloaded on a file I’d appreciate so so much. I don’t have a card yet so I couldn’t pay you for a file, but I’m a halfway decent artist and can draw a commission for you if you’d like.