Anyone’s dog ever been on cabergoline to treat phantom pregnancy?

So… Turns out our girl was indeed going through pseudopregnancy (very proud of myself for hinting at the vet that I thought she had something hormonal going on based on the way female dogs were acting around her about 10 days back).

It escalated to a point where it was super obvious (see video) and I told our vet. Since our girl wasn’t lactating yet, she had doubts but asked for a second opinion from one of her peer who happened to be a specialist of dog’s reproductive system and he confirmed without an hesitation after seeing the video.

Oona was put on cabergoline (once a day for five days) and she took her first dose yesterday. She has stopped whining completely and she’s played a lot with her doggy girlfriend who’s been staying over. And today she’s just beat. She’s sleeping. Very calm. She ate tho (first time in 4 days) so we were very happy about that and she’s not nesting as much.

Has anyone’s dog ever been on cabergoline ? did you notice any side effects ?