My girl vomited twice - very large amounts…

She threw up a bit on Friday morning. Acting just as energetic as usual. This morning, she threw up a bit of bile in the morning. She was drooling a lot but ended up eating her kibbles.

She was very lethargic all day. I noticed a cut on her left side, which had crust. It wasn’t oozing anymore, it wasn’t hot to the touch but a tad swollen. I cleaned it.

After that she vomited twice huge amount. No food in it. Brown in color. Very watery.

We took her to the emergency vet. She ran some test (bloodwork, liver, fever, etc). Everything was normal. She prescribed antibiotics for the wound, gave her a shot of anti emetic meds.

Our girl has been just sleeping since we got home. She didn’t poop tonight. She didn’t eat either. She drank a bit of water.

She’s one year old. I’m so worried. I’m scared the vet missed something…