opinions on trying to switch dorms/social life

hey everyone, I'm a visiting student and this upcoming semester will be my first at BU. I just got my housing assignment and ive been put in the Hyatt regency near BU. essentially, and I know this will sound kinda stupid, but im worried that being put in these "dorms" will make it harder for me to make friends/have a social life because I have seen from people on this subreddit that the hotel can be very "disconnected" from the actual school instead of something like freshman dorms which are actually on campus and have all new people to the school like me who are more open to making friends. I should also mention im very focused on this because im currently in the process of transferring out of my current college specifically because of the terrible social life there (which is also why im taking this semester at BU). however im now seeing things on this subreddit about how the bu social life sucks, which surprises me since, compared to my school which is small + remote + terribly not diverse, I would think that BU should have a great social life. I know that reddit should be taken with a grain of salt, but does anyone have any info about bu social life and whether I should consider trying to get out of living in a hotel for a whole semester. thank you.