1H is hard... hats off to you guys.
I started taking bowling serious about 3 years ago. Before that I went a few times a year and would throw house balls thumbless.
Once I started bowling more I made the switch to 2h and loved it. Im a 180 average bowler in my late 30s.
Well over the weekend a friend of mine rented out our local 12 lane alley for his kids birthday. After bowling a game with some of the adults. I decided to try 1h with a thumb for the first time ever. A buddy of mine had a ball drilled for finger tips and the span seemed close so i gave it a go... let's just say we all got alot of laughs. He tried to help me, but man I was struggling to keep the ball on the lane. The next day, my elbow was so sore from trying to crank the ball. "Trying" is the key word there. I was terrible 🤣
I tip my hat to you 1h crankers. That shit is hard. I know understand why 2H's get so much hate.