Lizzie 😬🥰
Lizzie causes sooo much controversy in the fandom and I need to talk about her. Me personally, I like her, HOLD ON! Never did I say she was a good person…YET! she has absolutely done terrible things and they aren’t excusable but i’m just so interested by her. I’m a sucker for a complex, mean, hated female character i.e Winter from the chestnut hill series. Like Claire isn’t my fav character, though I love her, just because she’s kind of perfect, like she’s so kind and i love her but because there isn’t a bunch to unpack about her personality, she doesn’t do it for me as much. I’m so excited for Lizzies book because I want to know why she acts the way she does and I think the possible reasons I make up in my head make me like her more. Whatever reasons she does have in her book certainly won’t excuse her behavior, but it may explain it, and i’m hoping that the core ten forgives her bc at the moment it’s so broken and i need Claiming 10. Anyway, we don’t have to threaten people bc they say they like a character, they might just be intrigued by them and hope there’s more to them.