my concerns in getting back together as the dumpee

I was the one broken up with, he told me it was because it was because our arguments were damaging to his mental health. We both put a lot of pressure on the relationship and so we had heightened emotions which caused us to argue over things a lot. It’s been over a month and we are talking about getting back together, because we have both done some reflection and seeing our mistakes. His main logical reason for getting back with me is because I made these reflections. However, there’s some things he’d said that confuse me and make me question if he will actually change if we get back into a relationship and I need him to change as well. He said he will be “more chill”, but when I asked for an example of how he would be more chill he didn’t really give me one until I asked multiple times for a specific example of how this would look. His main issue was getting extremely heated, I just worry if he will actually make the change with his emotions. Then he also said that he would probably be boring at least for a while, that he is worn out on romance. though I understand needing to slowly get the bond back, I want romance, and that’s one of the things I really loved about our past relationship. Am I overthinking this? How do I know if he’s truly changing his ways? Or what if he changes too much to where he doesn’t meet my needs anymore?