Fuck you
Fuck you for wasting so many years of my life
Fuck you for always saying you'd change and be better
Fuck you for lying to me like I was an idiot. I knew
Fuck you for manipulating me for years
Fuck you for making me feel like I was the problem
Fuck you for using my past against me
Fuck you for treating me like shit when I gave you everything
Fuck you for not stepping up and being a parent
Fuck you for stalking me after I dumbed your sorry ass
Fuck you for saying I'm the problem
Fuck you for trying to play innocent in front of authorities
Fuck you for all of the emotional trauma you've caused me
Fuck you for ruining relationships for me
Fuck you for not putting effort into anything your entire life besides trying to ruin my life
Fuck you for talking to me like human garbage when I tried keeping things civil
Honestly just fuck you
(I feel the need to put in here that I've always been level headed but I needed to vent)
Edit: wow ok I didn't expect this to blow up I genuinely just needed to express the anger I've held in for so long. first off I want to thank everyone who has given me kind words and who has reached out to me if I need to talk it's more than I could have ever asked for. For anyone who doesn't agree with how I let out my anger your valid too I am in the wrong for putting up with it for so long but we're all human and make our own poor judgments also for anyone who thinks I'm their ex feel free to message me and vent as if I am I don't mind if it helps you release your baggage and anger I'm ok with it but I will not argue with anyone it's just not who I am. For context my relationship was 7 years long it wasn't always bad but after I found out I was pregnant everything got so much worse our relationship was never perfect but it wasn't this bad. After I had our child things escalated even more their anger, emotional abuse and manipulation only got so much worse. I left they got physical with me and things are so bad now that I filed a CPO it has been over a year since I left and I fear everything. If anyone's interested I can update once I know if I am granted my CPO once we have our court date. Until our court date I will continue to gather my evidence and protect my child, myself and my mental health to the best of my ability. I hope everyone this post reaches gets the closure they need in life and prospers this year love you all.