Lost AirPods taken by CC?
I left my AirPods Pro on a flight back to LHR, they either fell out of my pocket or were in the seat back pouch.
I can see their location on ‘Find My’, but none of the other options are available - ie Lost Mode, Play a Sound, Get Directions etc.
From tracking the location I can see that they went on to two other European airports, which follows the onward route that the plane I was on subsequently took, so I assume they hadn’t been found at this point.
At the weekend the location popped back up in the UK and moved to various places around the Home Counties before spending the night at a house near LHR.
The next morning they returned to LHR, went through T5 and next appeared next in East Coast USA where they travelled to a 4* hotel in the city centre which looks very much like the kind of place pilots/cabin crew might stay.
This morning they landed back at LHR and returned back to the same house.
My working assumption is that one of the cabin crew has taken the AirPods and is now happily flying round the world with them.
Thoughts on the best solution welcomed - the house isn’t too far away so I can pop in, and/or complain to BA for compensation for a new pair? Second hand in ear headphones is pretty rank…
I have all the screenshots etc to support.