Urinetown: Joshua Grosso Appreciation Thread

We had a mix up with New York City Center and people ended up in the seats on our tickets in the rear mezz. Long story short we ended up in orchestra row F left aisle… so that worked out if I’m being honest. The one drawback was we missed the start, and as a result I missed any announcement that was surely made before the show so I sit down and think:

“Huh, Jordan Fisher looks awful pale today. Hope he can make it through the show!”

My thought by the end of the next song:

“…………that’s not Jordan Fisher.” Lmao

No harm no foul to me, I woulda been gutted if it was Rainn Wilson out, who was the whole reason I came to see Urinetown. This guy Joshua Grosso completely blew me away!!! Apparently it was his first time going on as Bobby Strong and everyone in the audience w got a real treat, even those who were there to see Jordan.

Joshua’s ‘Run Freedom Run’ was this close to getting a mid show standing ovation. I saw one woman stand up and I regret not following suit because he really deserved it after hitting that high note. Anyway I just wanted to say although Jordan Fisher was the big star of the show I am truly thankful I got to see Mr. Grosso perform. He is clearly headed for great things and I heard he’s going on this evening as well. I expect the crowd will not be disappointed. Joshua, if you’re reading this: BRAVO!! BRAVISSIMO!