Questions regarding the mind

Through mindfulness and meditation I have understood the mind is separate from the body and senses of impermanent interactions. We experience the world when mind is aware of the impermanent world through the five senses of the Body. I understand how the mind and body experience consciousness yet I’m unable to know where the mind resides.

Is the mind found within the form it is attached to and is experiencing it from the direct perspective of body-mind and its relative position within the impermanent universe.

Or is the mind all encompassing the whole of the many worlds including the entire expanse of this universe and is only experiencing the impermanent awareness of form from a perspective of impermanent interactions that are moving through the mind. Example: if say the mind was like the sky and the clouds the form that operates within the system of sky. If the sky were to view itself from the perspective of cloud it would experience awareness from the clouds perspective without being aware of being the sky it is existing within.

If we are to experience the impermanent interactions within a system then the system must encompass all possible impermanent interactions within itself would it not.

Say that a human leaves the planet and visits another and when they touch the planet they experience the awareness of touch through mind resulting in consciousness of touch. Is the mind travelling with the impermanent form to the other planet or is the impermanent form experiencing the movement of impermanent form from one planet to the other yet the mind like the sky already contains the other planet or impermanent objects within the system of mind.

What thoughts do others have on this question.