Update on my cat swallowing plastic..
I wasn’t even gonna post an update due to the incredibly nasty responses, but I felt the kind people here deserve to know that -I was able to take her to the vet early the next morning it happened-. All the lovely people at the vet checked her out and said she should be fine and that It should pass in her stool. So many disgustingly aggressive comments and accusations acting like they know what’s going on in my personal life or what I should’ve done, which according to the doctors, a lot of those outrageous comments were incorrect and actually spread misinformation regarding what will happen to her, etc. so next time don’t act vicious and hateful when you don’t even know wtf you’re talking about, even if you think u do.
However, to the kind people, I just wanted to thank you all for giving advice and relief during this terrifying time, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.
So while we’re waiting for Monday’s appointment to go to the radiologists, i think it’s called, i will continue to monitor her and see if it passes in her stool per doctor’s orders. She hasn’t shown any signs of discomfort or pain, no diarrhea, no vomiting, she’s been acting like her normal self, playing and rolling around on her back wanting lots of tummy rubs, like she normally does. They also said the problem with X-rays is that they wouldn’t be able to detect plastic, so an ultrasound, or radiology tests I think they said, could show if there’s any blockage. But they didn’t say she needed that and that she should be okay. But the plan is, I’m still going to take her to get the tests because i love my girl and want that extra confirmation & I have the option to now. I’m so grateful that my dad could help cover the costs.
And they told me to apply and see if I can get approved for care credit, which I will need to get my ID before applying. And I’m going to find her a personal vet so I won’t have to pay extra for emergency vet care. And to all the people that told me “cats won’t eat anything they don’t like, they will just throw it up if it’s not good for them”, well according to the vet, that’s not (always) correct. Definitely incorrect in this situation. They said if she were to be throwing up, then that would mean it’s gotten to the point of a serious medical emergency and would cause further damage. Thankfully she isn’t vomiting. Inducing vomit in this case would also cause further damage. So the only thing that could’ve been done during this time is to wait because it should pass in her stool, according to the doctors. (Still gonna get her in Monday for tests & extra precaution). So yeah my babygirl is doing good and should be okay.
Due to the outrageous & incorrect responses, I never want to post on this sub again. Thank you again to the kind people that helped. And eff you to the random people that think I’m incapable of owning a cat. & again, the amount of people that actually gave me WRONG advice, despite being so overly confident and disgusting towards me, were again, wrong by the way, according to the doctors. So my advice to anyone that experiences something similar, don’t ask for advice on the internet because you will more than likely get lots of wrong information and complete BS accusations from random people sitting behind their phone screens assuming the worst and lots of judgement when they don’t know your situation, and don’t know the facts or correct answers. And I’m really sorry if you’re someone that doesn’t have anyone in your life when you need some kind of support or someone to talk to during a time of panic or an accident. I know I’m a stranger, but you can come to me if you need someone to talk to. I will listen if you need that support. That’s all I have to say. I really don’t even want to post this but I’m not gonna let the false info that people spread on my other post not be addressed, & I wanted to let the kind people know that she’s okay and I took her to the vet.