I saw a confrontation at the gym parking lot

Saw a little confrontation at the gym parking lot( it was quick). Bigger guy tried to hit on someone’s girlfriend/wife. The couple left the gym and big man left at the same time. Proceeded to hit on her while walking to their cars. Boyfriend, just told him to stop. Big man got mad and tried to intimidate the boyfriend. Girl is filming and the boyfriend and he keeps saying “you’re putting me in fear for my life, please back away”. Bigger guy laughed and walks away. I see the dude the next day in the gym and he says he carries. He said by saying “you’re putting me in fear of my life” that it’ll hold up better in court as self defense? Is that legit. Ik asking a lawyer would be the move. But I’m not gonna waist a lawyers time for a situation that didn’t even involve me. I’m new to Conceal carry btw