What is Your Favorite Moment ? - The Sleepwalker
I have left far too long between this one and the last after saying I was going to pick up the pace, especially now the sub seems pretty active.
The Sleepwalker for me will always be underrated, I think it has a lot to offer and heavily relies on the characters and their relationships with each other. This is the first time we see James go a book without a mission but I actually think the series benefits from this by making things a bit different through the work experience. Yes I do agree there are some interesting things you could add into this book to make it better but overall, some of the dynamics we see are pretty perfect already.
I think this offers one of the stronger starts to a book through the race and then the training exercise but, while I think they are brilliant, neither of these are actually my favorite moment...
My favorite moment is one that I haven't really seen mentioned during my time on this sub. It's when James and Ewart are walking and talking out by the lake, and Ewart asks James to be Joshua's godfather. It is a really wholesome moment as CHERUBs don't really have any family apart from siblings also at CHERUB so it was a really nice touch, considering James and Joshua's relationship and the fact Zara has always had a soft spot James.
The scene goes on with Joshua and James having a laugh kicking a ball around then James decides it would be funny to crack a ball off the back of Lauren, which is always a tempting situation.
Just an overall nice moment for me and a nice break from the tense action.
So please tell me what your favorite moment is, The Sleepwalker actually covers a lot of ground so plenty to choose from...
can be anything you like really, fights, funny one liners, someone not being able to sell fried chicken without getting arrested, a small plot twist, the missions itself, absolutely anything!