Perfectionist tendencies and “black and white thinking” are forms of self-sabotage. Here’s how to overcome this
A perfectionist mindset and “black and white thinking” were BIG reasons I used to be so inconsistent with my nutrition and fitness, which kept me stuck in a cycle of losing and gaining the same 20-25 lbs over and over.
I have ADHD, and I’ve learned that this is a common downfall for people with a brain like mine.
Here are some ways to reframe your thinking so you feel IN CONTROL and not like you’re constantly stopping and starting over.
IF YOU RELATE TO THIS, let me know in the comments what your current goals are and ONE small step you want to take to start reframing your mindset!
1 - Stick to a range of calories, not just one rigid number. Nutrition labels round up and down anyways, so even if you think your calories are ‘perfect’, they’re not. And that’s okay!
2 - Don’t look at your workout routine as rigid. It’s okay to have some flexibility. Workouts can be shortened or lengthened. If you miss a day, move on to the next. Don’t feel like you need to make up for it, because then you end up feeling like you’re falling behind and scrambling to catch up.
3 - Don’t classify foods as good or bad. Some foods you want to eat a little more of, some a little less. But nothing NEEDS to be off limits to lose body fat. You can eat sugar in moderation.
4 - Meet yourself where you’re at. Recognize that any habit improvement is progress. For example, maybe you’d typically eat the entire box of ice cream sandwiches, but today you only ate 1 or 2. That’s an improvement from your past behaviours and moving you in the right direction!
Fellow perfectionists OR people who relate to ADHD symptoms - let me know your current goals, and ONE SMALL STEP you want to take to move into a healthier mindset so you can feel IN CONTROL and CONSISTENT!