Are any of you simply so incapacitated/frozen at this point that you can’t do anything?
I spent most of 2024 feeling the effects of my CPTSD, and instead of improving, I fear I’ve spiraled even more.
Right now, I feel so incapacitated by my CPTSD, depression, and anxiety that I literally can’t face my bill collectors, can’t make a plan for the day, and am barely surviving.
I’m financially destitute and relying on a relative who also is facing a precarious financial situation, and her anxieties become mine.
I just lost my health insurance and I don’t know what to do.
I’m sitting in bed right now feeling so anxious and pissed off at myself for allowing myself to drown and not figure shit out. I want to die every day but I’m too chickenshit to do anything. But if there was a pain free sure way of dying, I might consider it.
Do any of y’all feel this way?? Have felt this way??
I have no one to turn to right now and am crying. I take meds, and I think the Adderall I’m taking has made things worse. I usually do stuff but right now I just want to sleep.
I need someone to mother me, or to help me right now because I can’t help myself. I can’t pull myself up by my bootstraps because I don’t even have bootstraps.