What's the "healthiest" form of C-PTSD ?

I've been through many traumatic events during my childhood and I started showing a lot of symptoms of C-PTSD around 13 years old. I'm 20 today and I've just been starting therapy because I got assaulted by my ex last year and got additionnal symptoms and the others I worked on "came back". I am not diagnosed with C-PTSD (even though where I come from, it is a valid diagnosis). I've read a lot of articles and books written by scientists and my therapist "knows" I have C-PTSD and my entire therapy is based on that. So chances are really really really high that I have C-PTSD.

The issue is : I'm actually healing. It's not perfect, I still struggle with self-hatred, anger and my relationships with my friends are still very challenging for me. But I don't have flashbacks anymore, my other childhood traumas don't affect me as much as before (if I think about it, I don't really feel anything but I know that many messed up things about me are still here because of those events). I was bullied really badly at school and I was laughed at and kinda left to d!e by the adults at school who had the power to save me, this is when PTSD really got to me. But I don't really care about it anymore and it doesn't make me angry as much as it did before.

The more I work on trauma and the more I do therapy, the more I feel like a really normal person who's been through nothing in life and I feel terribly invalidated. I know I should be happy about healing but it just makes me feel like I didn't go through anything "that bad" and that I probably just never had C-PTSD (which, again, is almost 100% sure I had because before therapy I had every single symptoms outside of substance abuse).

So my question is : What's the healthiest form of C-PTSD ? If I don't have flashbacks anymore and that most of my symptoms fade - is it, like, normal ? I still feel my overall "brain structure" being altered but issues like SH or this kind of things are mostly gone and now I feel like I actually never had C-PTSD or even trauma...