r/canadapostcorp on full damage control lmao!!!
You get what you fucking deserve. Don't like your job, than quit. It's laughable that they decry deplorable conditions, but are getting paid pretty damn well already for a job with low requirements. As long as you can read, have a license, and show up sober, you are qualified to work at Canada post. If I was Canada post, I'd be laying off most of these entitled staff members and replace them with Uber eats drivers who would gladly accept the current pay to do less work.
Imagine getting paid as handsomely as they do for a job that just requires a licence and highschool diploma/GED. Now they all get a month less of pay for this powerplay. If your unionized in Canada post, you should probably all stop paying your dues and tell the unionheads to kick grass. All they did was fuck you and everyone else in this country, and you got nothing. If anything, I would not be surprised if people start whipping bottles at your trucks for the absolute shitshow you caused and allowed to go on.
Holding people's medication, goverment issued documents, Christmas gifts, goverment cheques, and other important deliveries hostage does not make you "stunning and brave". It makes you pond scum. Enjoy being out of a job in the next few years because you've burned tons of bridges with businesses and private individuals who will no longer use your services going forward.
Let me reiterate, you tried to bully a company that's been hemorrhaging money for years at the expense of seniors who are too old to learn how to set up online banking, sick people who rely on their medication being delivered, kids who just want to mail their letters to Santa, small businesses who are now facing bankruptcy due to their products being stuck in the mail, and hardworking Canadians who wernt able to get their passports to see family abroad.
Cry me a river, your average McDonald's employee works harder than you do for less pay. You are not farmers, being a postal worker is not a "way of life", don't like it, find something else. Imagine destroying tons of local businesses and lapping as great liberal thinkers. You'd make the former soviet Union proud as you just did what their playbook for disrupting commerce in the west said to do. In Japan, they continue to work, but don't accept people's money to fuck over the company but not the people who rely on there services. You have no Honor and it's despicable.