Why does Reddit/young people hate capitalism so much?
Don’t get me wrong, there are some things I HATE about capitalism. (I.E. the widening wealth gap, stagnating wages compared to cost of living, etc)
But with any economic system, there are things we would hate about it.
But capitalism has been the economic system that has worked the most the past few thousand years. I can’t think of any other system that would work nearly as well.
Honestly, I think it’s childish how most Redditors will complain about it and just throw away the current economic system we have and put a new one in.
I think it’s great to critique capitalism and try to find answers to its current problems, but the way Reddit and other young people are doing it is ridiculous.
I think young people might dislike capitalism because they are on the “shit” end of the stick when they are young. Let’s be honest.. if you are young, you don’t have very many economic skills. So you’ll be working at the lowest of low jobs. You also are just beginning building your wealth.
But as life goes on… and you start building wealth, you get a better job with your new skills, you will be rewarded and capitalism isn’t as bad as you thought it would be.. at least that’s my thoughts.