My day was another forgotten birthday, how was yours?

It's my 25th birthday today. My mum invited me for dinner, my dad was happy to see me, my brothers (21 and 23) asked why I'm here to which my mum replied "it's her birthday!", and their responses were basically "oh right".

I know for a fact that everyone's birthdays are in my manager's calendar, and she never fails to make a 'Happy Birthday' post in the Teams chat the morning of everyone's birthday, and they always get a cake and a card - but I got none of that. I even said something the other day about it being my birthday.

I don't have any friends, I don't know how to have friends. I've tried many times and I keep trying, but they never seem interested.

To 'celebrate' my birthday, I bought 2 hermit crabs and spent almost $1000 on supplies and a habitat for them. I had hermit crabs when I was younger and they lived around 7 years. I'm lonely and I don't have much space for a dog or cat, and I know how to care for crabs, so I guess I have two friends now.

I cry on my birthday every year. It's always just a reminder of how lonely I am and how, yet again, my efforts to make a friend have failed. So now I'm resorting to Reddit for some form of human connection. So how was your day?

UPDATE: I just opened up this app for the first time today to literally hundreds of kind messages. Thank you everyone, you made my day - and the crabs are doing fantastic too, they’ve settled it nicely.