What’s something fairly benign that makes you feel old? (Light-hearted rant)

I’m 38 and watch a lot of YouTube stuff while doing housework or pottering or whatever. While I’m still baffled and amazed by this mad ecosystem where 19yr old kids can have 25m followers, unimaginable wealth and global recognition for being loud, I feel like such an old man as a result of the “jump-cut” phenomenon.

For those who might not know: this is something particularly popular with the yoots whereby apparently we have no time for a natural pause at the end of a sentence, so the software just… removes it.

Need half a second to pause for impact, digest what was just said, let it bed in before we move on?

Tough shit old man fuck off - we’re leaping instantly to the next sentence without delay. Screw you and your preference for taking stuff in, appreciating the point that was made and then transitioning naturally to the next one - no time for your boomer brain cells to catch up grandad.

Honestly I feel so old even observing it as a thought. I’m not one of these “wasn’t the past so good - kids today don’t know they’re born - what was so bad about VCRs anyway?” types. We can learn loads from the younger generations and I applaud them for toughing it out in a world where they’re not going to own a house until mum and dad shuffle off their mortal coils.

But seriously. Why did we have to edit natural conversational pauses out of stuff? It works on the manic “HEY GUYS TODAY WE’RE PRANKING OUR TWITCH FORTNITE STREAMING RIVAL LMAOOOOO FRFRFR NO CAP” videos, but I’m even seeing it on really well put together documentaries. Can we just not?

So that’s my rant about a benign thing that really doesn’t matter but makes me feel old. What’s yours? And please don’t turn this into attacking the kids - that’s not what it’s about at all.