I love our parish bookstore and would like your reflections and feedback


My parish has a little bookstore where we offer for sale prayer books,Bibles, rosaries, holy water receptacles, crucifixes, 1st Communion gifts and cards, Confirmation gifts and cards, prayer cards, prints, patron Saint pendants, and of course all kinds of religious literature both fiction and non-fiction.

It's 100% volunteer-run, and I'm the most enthusiastic and bibliphile volunteer, so I find myself there the most of all the volunteers.

Our open times are after each weekend Mass. It felt natural to me to be open at Christmastime. I suppose I feel joy at Christmas and being in the bookstore engaging with fellow parishioners and booklovers brings me and others joy. And so we were open as usual at Christmastime, including after Midnight Mass and after Christmas day Mass.

I'm good friends with one of our priests who was also the Pastor when I joined the church. I was embittered towards the church after having been abused by a member of the church when I was little, but then this kind priest allowed me to feel the Holy Spirit and Christ's love again and I rejoined the church last year.

My question is, what would you think if you came to my parish for the triduum and saw that our little bookstore was open? Would you find that appropriate? Or would you find that inappropriate or worse? I hadn't thought about it being inappropriate until a man who has been a volunteer with the bookstore for over a decade before me just emailed to say the bookstore has always been closed on holidays. He said he didn't mind that it was open on holidays but that they'd never done that before. He didn't say anything to me when I opened the bookstore at Christmastime.

I live in small-town Minnesota where people are reticent to express emotions more than for example when I was a long-time resident in Chicago.

Please if you would offer your insight, I would be very interested.