Caught her napping on rabbit watching duties,lol.
{"account": null, "authorFlair": {"t5_3n328": {"Remote_Bad9284": null, "octahexxer": null, "Computer_Particular": null, "IvyCeltress": null, "Sarahfanntastic-82": null, "summerfromtheoc": null}}, "commentLists": {"t3_1izl6by": {"head": {"id": "t1_mf3w6y0", "type": "comment"}, "tail": {"id": "t1_mf7azf3", "type": "comment"}}}, "comments": {"t1_mf3w6y0": {"author": "Remote_Bad9284", "authorId": "t2_1juf9c993r", "collapsed": false, "collapsedReason": null, "collapsedBecauseCrowdControl": null, "collapsedReasonCode": null, "created": 1740679243.0, "depth": 0, "deletedBy": null, "distinguishType": null, "editedAt": null, "gildings": null, "goldCount": 0, "id": "t1_mf3w6y0", "isAdmin": false, "isDeleted": false, "isGildable": false, "isLocked": false, "isMod": false, "isOp": false, "isSaved": false, "isStickied": false, "isScoreHidden": false, "next": {"id": "t1_mf3ydwu", "type": "comment"}, "parentId": null, "permalink": "/r/Catswithjobs/comments/1izl6by/caught_her_napping_on_rabbit_watching_dutieslol/mf3w6y0/", "prev": null, "postAuthor": null, "postId": "t3_1izl6by", "postTitle": null, "score": 43, "sendReplies": true, "subredditId": "t5_3n328", "voteState": 0, "bodyMD": "I find it so adorable to see the two of them together, I think they make the perfect duo of tenderness", "body": "
I find it so adorable to see the two of them together, I think they make the perfect duo of tenderness
\nLove is love no matter how big your ears are
\nr/rabbitswithjobs emotional support bunny for kitten.
\nI hope the buns name is cookie dough ice cream
\nHer name was Pepper. She passed about two months ago.\ud83d\ude2a I miss her.
\nI'm sorry she had such pretty markings.
\nTy, I appreciate that.\u263a\ufe0f
\nthis IS the cutest thing I\u2019ve ever seen \ud83e\udd79\ud83e\udd79\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\udc97