Anyone? Please.
I'm 9w4d today and l've had random bleeding episodes. About a week after I found out I was pregnant I started having tan / brown cervical mucus. About two weeks later I passed two small blood clots - no additional bleeding. Spotting stopped and went in for an ultrasound. Nothing seen on ultrasound. Two weeks later passed a smaller clot out of no where but had more bleeding - this was a few days after a transvaginal ultrasound. And now yesterday again out of no where bleeding started. Has anyone had anything similar and was never diagnosed as to why it was happening or seen on ultrasound? Baby was measuring fine and had a strong heartbeat our last US. My OB said it could be my fibroid but l've never heard of a fibroid causing this much bleeding and clotting. I guess I'm just looking for reassurance. This is my second pregnancy. Unfortunately I had a miscarriage in April so everything happening is triggering. Thanks for whoever got this far 🤍.