Whoah, new Memory feature!

Went to go to the "history" section to find an old thread, notived that "pinned messages" turned into "memories" so I clicked on it, theres still the pinned message feature but looks like they're experimenting with some new long-term memory stuff!! I'm really excited because on the surface it looks exactly like the memory feature I suggested in one of those surveys, I hope it works like I think it will! Seems to be tied to individual personas which would make multi-persona RP a bit easier...

Went to go to the "history" section to find an old thread, notived that "pinned messages" turned into "memories" so I clicked on it, theres still the pinned message feature but looks like they're experimenting with some new long-term memory stuff!! I'm really excited because on the surface it looks exactly like the memory feature I suggested in one of those surveys, I hope it works like I think it will! Seems to be tied to individual personas which would make multi-persona RP a bit easier...