It is so frustrating that characters don't directly confront Mark's morals in Invincible.

Mark isn't a psycho who will kill people for disagreeing or calling him out. He seemingly wants to be a hero (I assume), yet his morals are often pretty shitty and selectively applied for someone who wants to save people. He's certainly not evil, but he can be an ass. In the recent episode with Titan, he was going to take him to prison just for being a criminal, rather than confront the fact his family was about to be killed and that an even worse person than Machine Head was allegedly going to take his place ruining the city again. His mindset towards criminality, and selective apathy is honestly inexcusable for a hero and yet the only person to even attempt a call out was Cecil, but Cecil didn't even do it well and being the untrustworthy bastard he is tried to force Mark into submission instead. Mark was clearly being emotional and unreasonable at the moment initially (even though Cecil took the first move eventually, likely terrified), but if even after all that he didn't kill Cecil I think it might at least be worth a try? I get him being flawed is part of it, but I mean come on? It just seems weird to me that he himself hardly contemplates consequences and outcomes beforehand and that we don't really see in-depth character development scenes. This could go for all character but Mark is the MC. I'm sure he will change somewhat eventually, but it has been so long for nobody to say anything. I also keep seeing people say he is a teenager/young adult as the excuse but why has nobody called him out yet? And he has a good enough education to be able to reflect honestly, he has shown he can realise his mistakes before.