What do you do about your chihuahuas claws?
Normally it wouldn’t matter but she’s a long hair and her hair is super long right now- far longer than it is here.
Her nails are long too. They’re insanely long and healthy but sharp. I want to cut them but I can’t because I’m scared to hurt her and her claws are black so you can’t see where the vein is or whatever.
I paid to have her groomed and her nails clipped at pet smart and ended up checking back when they didn’t call for three hours to find they hadn’t done a thing and stuck her in a hot box where she pissed alll over herself and was so dehydrated and overly hot.. never went back and she’s scared of those places now.
Today I hear her freaking out yelping in bad pain. I come in and tell her to lay down and she does right away like she knows I’ll fix it- I look and her claw is stuck bad in her long hair and has gone into her ear- cutting it. She’s panicked. Her eyes got so big you could only see her black pupils and she looked so freaked out. I had to slowly cut the hair to be able to remove her foot from the ear.
I don’t want this to happen again and I need to deal with the nails but I don’t know what the best choice is.
Do you cut them? Grind them? Groomer does them? What works for you
Normally it wouldn’t matter but she’s a long hair and her hair is super long right now- far longer than it is here.
Her nails are long too. They’re insanely long and healthy but sharp. I want to cut them but I can’t because I’m scared to hurt her and her claws are black so you can’t see where the vein is or whatever.
I paid to have her groomed and her nails clipped at pet smart and ended up checking back when they didn’t call for three hours to find they hadn’t done a thing and stuck her in a hot box where she pissed alll over herself and was so dehydrated and overly hot.. never went back and she’s scared of those places now.
Today I hear her freaking out yelping in bad pain. I come in and tell her to lay down and she does right away like she knows I’ll fix it- I look and her claw is stuck bad in her long hair and has gone into her ear- cutting it. She’s panicked. Her eyes got so big you could only see her black pupils and she looked so freaked out. I had to slowly cut the hair to be able to remove her foot from the ear.
I don’t want this to happen again and I need to deal with the nails but I don’t know what the best choice is.
Do you cut them? Grind them? Groomer does them? What works for you