Praying for someone?

A little bit of background I met a guy three years ago (also a Christian). From the moment I saw him for the first time I had the most odd feeling. It was like I had met him before I even went down the rabbit hole of trying to see if we ever grew up together. The answer is no, but I will never forget that feeling the first time I saw him. We had a relationship type thing going on for about 7 months where both of us sinned and it did not end well at all. I typically get over guys really quickly. But this was three years ago and he has been in my thoughts everyday since. Fast forward to now he is engaged. I’m not super upset that he is engaged, but I was the girl right before this one.

At this point some of you may be thinking that I led myself to this situation. And that this is my own doing. For that I want to say that I have prayed to god to forget about this person. I have prayed for our issues at the time to no longer be shared. I have prayed to move on and be with someone else who I love the same. I have even prayed that if he is the right person to bring him back into my life. As well as praying I have gone to therapy for some other things, but also this issue. Like I said I’ve never felt this way about someone before. Even if I do forget about him or try to move on it only last a couple days of me being reminded of him. Like his name starts popping everywhere or I’m hearing music that we used to listen to.

I recently read that the reason why I may not be able to get over him is because I’m meant to pray for him. I was wondering if any of you have experienced this before and praying for their well-being helped? Or if you have any suggestions as to what I should?