Idolatry and Politics

"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar."

With a recent prayer for Trump's success, it's worth revisiting the notion of idolatry in the context of politics.

Trump is only a human.

I was asked: what absurd stupidity is there in Trump? What criminality is there, in Trump?

I suppose these are technically fair questions.

The Evil of Anger

Trump dehumanizes people. People like me. I'm not a Democrat, but I don't think Democrats are vermin.

It's stupid how divided our politics has become. That's the absurd stupidity of Trump.

Trump is just a human

As a human, he has an aging body and mind.

As humans he is placed on a pedestal where people actually think God anointed him to lead the nation. This is a blatant violation of rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar.

Caesar got assassinated. God does not protect rulers.

We are lucky that Trump was not assassinated, to be clear.

As a cult of personality, Trumpism has become truly dangerous. Hubristic. Too many followers of Trump think that 'liberation' will occur when Biden peacefully transfers power to the absurd stupidity of a cult of personality. Because it's the cult of personality that's in control now.

A cult of personality cannot lower the price of eggs.

A cult of personality divides us into two camps: those who believe in the idol, and those who can see the idolatry for what it is.

Trump is just a human

An aging meat suit. An old person. Objectively, Trump is falling apart.

The damnation of the Boomer generation is this: that they did not willingly give up power. They clung to it, growing ever more irrational and bitter and partisan in their old age.

Trump is impulsive. Trump lashes out violently and angrily.

January 6th was a crime.

The Blood of Americans is on John Roberts for his travesty of a Supreme Court decision. His words do not make Trump's actions on January 6th legal, they only make Roberts stupid and old: Roberts, too, is an old person with diminished capacity.

The American People were Denied Justice

And that has repercussions. Trump is afraid to step foot in the cities he has attacked. He is correct to fear being shot again, for he broke his oath to the Constitution on January 6th. He willingly sent a mob in the direction of the capitol after a speech invoking violence and a false narrative of election fraud. That's just a fact.

The cult of delusion around this old person doesn't want you to believe in these facts.

Trump lost 2020

But people are afraid of their cult leader so people like Pam Bondi, who is supposed to be trusted by the American people to operate the Justice Department, cannot state this truth. She's afraid of him. She'll lie for him.

The truth has been lost to the confusion of the elderly.

How best can we honor our parents? How best can we

I pray with you, my fellow Christians, as we look out into an uncertain world. I pray for compassion.

I pray for Trump to make the right decision and resign. The only correct decision is for the old people to resign. If they don't, they pollute the legitimacy of our government with their inadequacy.

"You're going to have to fight to take your country back."

But what does fighting look like, when enough Americans have died due to Trump's war on facts? On truth itself? When Americans can no longer trust their geriatric government, who can they trust?

Basic truths, such as: old people suffer mental degradation and it's inappropriate and unacceptable for them to hold public office.

We're divided as a people. We're divided by Trump so that Trump can center himself, so that boomers, so that old people, can stay centered in our politics.

But their nakedness has become a very great threat.