I don't know what's wrong with me.

I also would like to tag this autoimmune but it's more of a vent than anything, and even then, I don't have a diagnosis.

To start, hi, I'm M, I'm 20 years old, I'm a preschool assistant teacher. I recently got diagnosed with asthma and put on meds for it, have had allergies my whole life.

I hate this immune system! I just got done with a round of steroids, to hopefully kick this cough/upper respiratory/sinus infection thing I have had since October (in October, it gave me a migraine so bad I went to the ER but that's partially weather related).

I have been getting sick like this 2-3 times a year for the past 17 years of my life. Always the same stupid cycle. Sore throat, cough that won't go away until I'm on antibiotics. Well, now the antibiotics aren't working. So we went to steroids. Now those aren't working. My WBC shouldn't be as high as it at all points, like it is, I shouldn't have to have a coughing fit so hard I have to pull over while I'm driving home!

My doctors are confused, I've been bounced around so many times. First it was the sinus doctor, but no, my sinuses are perfect. Then asthma, well yes that fixed some things, but I'm still getting sick. I'm asking for Rheumatology but who knows if they will have an answer for me anyway.

And the only reason I suspect it to be autoimmune at my age is that my mother has 3 auto immune disorders (RA, lupus, and fibromyalgia), her mother had and autoimmune disorder (fibromyalgia), and HER father had an autoimmune disorder (MS, which killed him sadly).

I just. i just want to know what is wrong with me. working with kids gets you sick i know that, but it's been like this my entire life. And it's only getting worse. I just don't know what to do. I hate feeling this shitty all the time.