Chronic illness and health anxiety
I have a double whammy, a best offer both worlds if you will ❤️
I'm Autistic and suffer from migraine + hypermobile spektrum disorder (rule out hEDS and vEDS) and i have dislocated my elbow once and my fingers a bunch of times, i have allergies and pressure urticaria (dermographia) and I'm ravaged by anxiety and depression periodically. I also experience dysautonomia in terms of thermoregulation because of my autism. I also have anisocoria with normal brain scans so I don't know what's that about.
All my labs are normal, except my potassium wich is low because omeprazole (for my nsaid use) makes me pee out all my magnesium... but it allways returns to normal after being off it.
With that said I am terrified I have cancer, or a heart condition even though all my 20+ ECGs throughout my life have been normal. All those ECGs were done before operations or when i had heart palpitations from panic attacs and convinced myself that my time had come. Spoiler alert, my time did not come.
My newest fear is that I could have lupus, even though my labs were normal as stated. No weird platelets, no inflammation, no messy liver or kidney findings.
It's so freaking hard, sorry for screaming into the void and venting but every time my migraine aura completely wipes out half of my vision I'm convinced that I'm dying. Every time it makes me vomit and I get shaky, I feel like death. My joints ache, sure but I'm certain that the achy feeling is from a tumour or something. I can logically accept that it would ge very unlikely vut my health anxiety kicks my ass every day. How is life treating you guys?