Sometimes its difficult to change gears, almost feels like the transmission doesn't want me to shift.

I bought a 2024 Civic SI with 10k miles, I've put around 800 miles on it so far. For starters it is pretty cold where I live, It's been consistently like 15-20F every day, but it seems that this problem still happens even when I've let the car warm up. I will try to switch gears, let's say like 2nd to 3rd, I will disengage the clutch fully and then switch gears, I'll move the shifter lightly and it will sometimes feel "crunchy" (no bad noises or grinding) Im really light with the shifter and Im not ripping it In gear, I only use my two fingers to almost let the transmission take the gear, but sometimes it wont, and sometimes it will feel like there's a wall and I have to go back to neutral and then put the correct gear in. Do you think I need to replace the clutch fluid? Or is this normal?