New Gold pass was NERFED in terms of building/research boost

I just finished all the challenges and I have 860 points now. 1000 points required for the 15% research boost and 1080 points for the 15% building boost.

In the past, we could reach 15% boost on the FIRST day by completing all the challenges available. Now it takes at least 4 days for the 15% research boost and 5 days for the building boost.

Honestly, this needs to be changed. We are paying more money for slower progress.


Some people commented as a compensation it's now easier to get 20% boost for 1640 points.

This is not 100% true.

You still need the challenges in the second batch (unlocked after one week) to get to 1640 pts. Same case for the old pass.

This change doesn't shorten the amount of time we have to wait to unlock 20% boost!


We got a quick reply from Darian:

' Just adding a quick comment that this has been brought to the team's attention. This end result was not intentional nor was there any attempt to try and deceitfully nerf anyone's progress. The team is currently discussing how we can fix it for the next season pass. '

Lets hope coc team will sort this out for us. Thanks to everyone dropping comments and upvotes to this post!